Commonly Used JavaScript String Functions and How To Use Them

Nazmul Huda
2 min readNov 2, 2020


The string is a mostly used datatype in all Programming Language. It consists of a number of characters that may be spaces, numbers and must be inside single or double-quotes. String function is used in JavaScript programming language to handle a string. Here I have discussed some of the most used string functions used in JavaScript Programming Language.


This String Function Returns the Character in `n` Number position.

String.concat(“text1”, “text2”)

This String Function Join One or More String Together.


This String Function Searches (very first index) `element` from the existing string. If value finds returns `element` position number else returns `-1`.


This String Function Searches (last index) `element` from the existing string. If value finds returns `element` position number else returns `-1`.

String.replace(existText, newText)

This String Function Searches existText form the string, if finds replace existText by the newText.

String.slice(start, end)

This String Function extracts parts of a string and returns the extracted part as a new string. Slice() method receives two parameters first one (required) where to start and the Second one (optional) where to end.


This String Function divides string by the given parameter ‘char/pattern’ and returns an array.


This String Function check either the string contains specified `str/char` or not.


This String Function check either the string start with specified `str/char` or not.


This String Function check either the string ends with specified `str/char` or not.


This string function returns the value of a string converted to lowercase.


This string function returns the value of a string converted to uppercase.


This string removes whitespaces from the start & ends of a string.


This string removes whitespaces from the start of the string.


This string removes whitespaces from the end of the string.



Nazmul Huda
Nazmul Huda

Written by Nazmul Huda

I'm a self-taught passionate Web Application Developer specialized in MERN Stack Web Development. JavaScript is my native programming language.

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